Hearth, hier in Deutschland, we say Herd! You are absolutely right in what you say plus cloaking religious objects during Lent, wow, I thought we are the only ones par churches who do that! I guess the internet is a devilish tool and most people do not have the maturity to use it and therefore it's another nail in mankind s coffin, but as Paracelsus used to say (and I have only recently been to his place of birth in Switzerland), it's the dosage which makes the poison - die Dosis macht das Gift! Also a 🔥 place is so romantic my wife says...even the Carringtons have one in Dynasty!!! So God bless you all, Frohe Weihnachten aus Bavaria, Maximilian und Adrienne

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Thanks. I took your advice to "Meet up with people physically, even if you have to travel a ways to do it." Now I have been invited to participate in a "drum circle", with authentically Native-American-made drums. Can a Catholic participate in that?

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This is great. You are right. Pieper's view was similar, that real leisure is not loafing around. It is an active thing, not passive.

As for the elites. They do indeed loathe us. It is not just a dislike, but a committed hatred. They view our lives as small and inconsequential. They cannot fathom how we can be happy with so little, when they are unhappy with so much. They lack the ability to reflect on their own dislocation from all that matters, like normality, a locale with roots and a stable home life. I suspect many are hedonists completely burned out.

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Fantastic post, truly inspiring.

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Outstanding, Samantha. I am working on a reply which will probably post tomorrow morning, because just saying THANK YOU is not enough. Cheers!

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What a delightful article! I deleted all social media this past week, and I don't intend on using it anytime in the near future (if ever again). Modern society makes idols of work, consumerism, and utilitarianism. We must escape modernity and turn to Jesus.

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I think fireplaces stopped being a staple because they aren't very efficient. Most of the heat goes out through the chimney. But I would very much like my next home to have an iron stove.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Samantha Gluck

Cultural secession and non-participation. The easiest way to start is to avoid everything on television, from Hollywood, the entertainment, corporate music, and sports media.

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The fireplace was replaced by the TV as the centre of families lives and we all know how that’s gone.

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I read Leisure the Basis of Culture my first semester in college forty years ago. It was a delightful little book, more like a long essay really. It only took an hour or two, but well worth it. I second your recommendation.

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Excellent. This really spoke to me (as i read on my phone). I am sincerely going to try to go analog except for work purposes as necessary

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I agree entirely!

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