To claim that virtue signaling is a new phenomenon is to ignore the whole of human history. Is there any type of virtue signaling older than that of organized religion? Are we still to believe in a person's virtues, for no other reason than their declaration of belief in God?
Exactly! Their slogans are so vapid, but they do the trick in inculcating so many zombies. I feel a little bad calling them that, but it’s what they are -- in a sense.
My husband & I watched Walking Dead for a couple of seasons and we would always turn to each other and agree that the so-called zombie apocalypse is already upon us.
Thank you for your kind words, Anthony. I like how you liken “plastic signaling’ to our culture’s affection for “fast food”, which is also processed and plastic - the least common denominator of food and nutrition. I agree that vilifying true virtue, which has already happened in some circles will become increasingly accepted by the “in crowd,” and will show up in most neighborhoods to bear its ugly head, full of falsehoods and fake nobility.
Another concern of mine is that it may become a sort of basis for a potential social credit scoring system.
What a wonderful discourse on what constitutes genuine virtue... as opposed to that which constitutes the plastic signaling masquerading as virtue. In our "fast food" society we now embraces and glorify whatever mind-styles/lifestyles that are currently in vogue; and as a result our society stoops constantly lower in order to justify and dignify all manner of falsehoods. What could go wrong?... or to answer your question more succinctly... perhaps the consequence will be the vilification of genuine virtue... coming soon to a neighborhood near you.
Absolutely true! Feminism has not only failed, but (ironically) it has give BIRTH to an evil that devours and destroys all that is true, good, and beautiful. Feminism asked the wrong question from the beginning. Instead of asking, “How can we make women more like men?” they should have asked, “How can we make women better at being women.” I could go on, but I think you get my meaning.
To claim that virtue signaling is a new phenomenon is to ignore the whole of human history. Is there any type of virtue signaling older than that of organized religion? Are we still to believe in a person's virtues, for no other reason than their declaration of belief in God?
Nicely written, well done!
Thank you so much! I appreciate you taking the time to read and comment.
My favorite SJW line is 'science is real' and the variants.
They also believe:
- cloth mask stops covaids
- men can get preggers
- elections and vaxxes are totally safe and legitimous
Exactly! Their slogans are so vapid, but they do the trick in inculcating so many zombies. I feel a little bad calling them that, but it’s what they are -- in a sense.
My husband & I watched Walking Dead for a couple of seasons and we would always turn to each other and agree that the so-called zombie apocalypse is already upon us.
Thank you for your kind words, Anthony. I like how you liken “plastic signaling’ to our culture’s affection for “fast food”, which is also processed and plastic - the least common denominator of food and nutrition. I agree that vilifying true virtue, which has already happened in some circles will become increasingly accepted by the “in crowd,” and will show up in most neighborhoods to bear its ugly head, full of falsehoods and fake nobility.
Another concern of mine is that it may become a sort of basis for a potential social credit scoring system.
What a wonderful discourse on what constitutes genuine virtue... as opposed to that which constitutes the plastic signaling masquerading as virtue. In our "fast food" society we now embraces and glorify whatever mind-styles/lifestyles that are currently in vogue; and as a result our society stoops constantly lower in order to justify and dignify all manner of falsehoods. What could go wrong?... or to answer your question more succinctly... perhaps the consequence will be the vilification of genuine virtue... coming soon to a neighborhood near you.
Absolutely true! Feminism has not only failed, but (ironically) it has give BIRTH to an evil that devours and destroys all that is true, good, and beautiful. Feminism asked the wrong question from the beginning. Instead of asking, “How can we make women more like men?” they should have asked, “How can we make women better at being women.” I could go on, but I think you get my meaning.